In the two different apartment types, different models of kitchen layouts were created. The first in two different shades of gray, while the other was composed of a darker gray color as well as natural lacquered oak.
There was a time when extra large was equal to extra fine. Extra large cars, boats and floors indicated a lot of money and it was the time measure of class. Maybe it is still so in some places, but today it is more likely to be seen as vigilance. Today quality and taste got a different measure.
In all the major cities of the world, super-luxury homes are now being built on small spaces. Studio apartments, studios and mini town houses where nothing is saved in terms of quality, just in terms of volume. According to this concept, Glommen and Lindberg built 12 fantastic homes in the property Paraden 1 at Östermalm. They have chosen to work with Monica Förster, as interior designer, who specially designed the kitchen, bathroom cabinets and wardrobes. The entire interior reflects to the historical connection to the cinema but with new modern materials and an inspiring expression. All of the kitchens where manifactured by Canadaköket.